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We’ve made it through Black Friday and Cyber Monday and now more importantly we are at #GivingTuesday !!!

We ask your help in raising money that can be matched through the #GivingTuesday campaign so that each dollar you give, goes even farther!  When you give and or campaign receives matching funds, we can assist even more people in the Asheville area and throughout the world.  We work hard throughout the year to provide clothes, resources, water, food, Bibles, bicycles, roofs, medicine, support, encouragement and love.  The list really goes on but we need your help in order to continue to enlarge our scope of support.  So please consider giving today to make a difference tomorrow.

Some of our local ministry partnerships include, ABCCM, AHOPE, Homeward Bound, Veteran’s Restoration Quarters, Filtering Our Blessings to the Asheville Homeless, and others that are assisting in helping thousands of our neighbors in Western North Carolina.

We add to our local list with ministry partnerships that assist around the globe such as Paraklesis Ministries, European Faith Ministries, Ministerial Association of Jesus Christ Missions, Italian Ministries, Connect Global, and again the list continues.

It is through these partnerships that we support and work with to meets needs of so many neighbors and nations.  While the need is great, great things are happening daily to bring warmth, meals, Bibles, water, medicine, and so much more to amazingly beautiful people.

To give, please click on the following link and select Missions:

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