The main focus of the ministry of The Church at Asheville is to reach the lost and encourage the saints of Asheville and Western North Carolina.  Along with spreading the Gospel we encourage our members to be involved with feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and giving back to those who are in need.

We encourage you to become involved in one or more of these ministries.  Reach out with your hands and your heart to make a difference.  Its not just the people you are ministering to that will be changed, you will feel changed as well.

(Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry)

We support ABCCM through volunteer opportunities, consistent giving, regular pray support, and attending events.  Learn more about this incredible ministry called ABCCM . . . 

ABCCM is generously supported by over 300 churches of all denominations and 6,000+ trained volunteers and provides emergency assistance to anyone in need regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability. ABCCM stimulates doing together what individual congregations and individuals cannot do separately. While responding to meet emergency needs, we develop strategic plans to address root causes of poverty, take steps to achieve independent living skills and restore lives in the community. We accomplish this through these ministries: Crisis Ministry, Jail Ministry,  Medical MinistryTransformation Village,  Veterans Restoration Quarters, Veteran Services of the Carolinasand Recovery Living Center.

ABCCM Website